When people are asked in their old age what they would have done differently in life, they tend to say one of three things: spend more time with family and friends; fulfill their dreams; and take risks. Virtually everyone can relate to spending more time with family and friends; however, few really think about their dreams or take risks.
Living out your dream means first discovering what that dream is. For many, dreams take on different shapes. For instance, while it may be one’s dream to win best entertainer at the Country Music Awards; for another, it means discovering a cure to a leukemia. Different dreams touch each person in a different way; however, fear can stand in the way of dreams.
All too often, like dreams, many people dare not take risks out of fear. There is fear of rejection, fear of failure and even something like fear of success. It can sound funny, but it’s actually common. Whatever the perceived risk is—be it expressing love and vulnerability to one who has the potential to reject—people do not really know life until they can live without regret.
Living without regret, interestingly, means spending time with family and friends, pursuing dreams and taking risks. Another top of the list item that many ignore in their lifetime because there “isn’t time” or “the kids are too small” is taking the time to travel abroad. Taking a trip to a much loved destination is a must at least once in this lifetime. Taking those who you love with you is even better.