By reading the nutririon labels on food packets you’ll discover how many grams of fat per serving each food contains.
Some fat in your diet is healthy, but too much can be problem. While there’s no need to become obsessed with details, having some idea of what you’re eating helps you shed excess weight and maintain a balanced diet.
An egg has around six grams of fat, a glass of milk can have up to ten grams, while a bowl of toasted breakfast cereal with milk can have over twenty grams.
For meat and other food without nutrition labels, buy a pocket-sized, fat-counter booklet from supermarkets or book stores. It lists the fat and cholesterol content of just about every food you can buy.
Don’t be fooled by labels and adverstising which higlight the percentage of fat. Claims such as ‘Only 5% fat’ or ‘96% fat free’ can be misleading. When in doubt, check your fat counter booklet or contact the manufacturer.
Remember, it’s the grams of fat per serving you’re looking for.